Sunday, 11 September 2016


It's a privilege to be with the grassroot members at all times.A grassroots refers a term used to describe the party members at branches and constituency level respectively.This party members are often described as the life,body and soul of every political party .


Recently,the general Secretary of the rulling government attest that,election is won at the grassroots
This goes to tell u and i that,grassroots members must be taken serious

The party must empower them with logistics so as to deliver effectively

Hon.Selorm of Ho west took this as a challenge and has since tried in his small ways to always provide party T shirts and other parnerphenalias to the grassroots

A characteristic of a grassroots member is depicted in Hon.Selorm of Ho west

This man has always been with the grassroots and hence a leader of a constituency as an organizer

He has demonstrated to all party faithfuls that,he can be called a father of grassroots.

Let me use this opportunity to thank Hon.Selorm and other hardworking grassroots members for  JMS's victory must be our priority

It's about JDM

It's about  NDC

It's about Onetouch victory

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